Monday, March 3, 2014

Exercise Breakthrough

I often feel like my process is taking SO LONG. I did take A LONG TIME not being serious in 2013 and not realizing what it was really going to take to engage in weight loss. But there's another part and that is actually educating myself...about nutrition, about exercise and which exercise to DO. That just takes time...reading and watching and evaluating and trying different stuff.

I feel like I've had a breakthrough with regards to exercise. I pretty much know what I need to do with eating and I'm constantly fine tuning. Apart from a daily walk, I haven't known precisely what to do for a building strength routine.

I've been very concerned not to push myself but pushing is exactly what has been NEEDED. I've been able to push my exercise to a point of exhilaration...which means I keep WANTING to do it. I'm finding balance in doing more AND increasing my intensity. I'm finding SO MUCH JOY in moving and stretching and pushing myself!

Friday was so gorgeous, sunny and mild! I did my walking and warm-up workout OUTSIDE! It felt tremendous! I put the warm-up workout on my iPod and was really surprised that I could go through the circuit just from the audio (without watching the YouTube video).

The treadmill has helped me increase my walking pace and I really pushed myself doing laps around my

That was is Monday and I've had a couple AMAZING treadmill walks! I keep pushing myself and I'm doing 2.6 with a few inclines thrown in for 30 minutes PLUS moving my arms all around and listening to music instead of watching a movie. I feel ELECTRIC (and tired)! This is a HUGE improvement over last week, just doing 30 minutes on the flat at 2.3 or 2.5. I'm SO happy to be back to walking every day!

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