Thursday, August 21, 2014

Walk Walk Walk Walk

I've been walking almost everyday!
Back in October, I tried Leslie Sansone's home walking videos. I stopped doing them because my hips really hurt, but I decided to try again. MFP has a Leslie Sansone group and they do monthly challenges. I decided to give it a try in July, but didn't really connect with the group.

Enter August. Why not try again? I'm sooooo glad I did! Wow, something really good is going on here! I've walked 42 (FORTY TWO!) miles since August 6th! And I'm LOVING it!

This is so easy! I walk in front of the computer...two (sometimes three) miles in the morning and then another two before bed. I love logging on the MFP group (thanks for the encouragement, ladies!) every night before bed and updating my own spreadsheet. This is a way better workout than my meandering walks outside...and I'm doing it twice a day! I think this is sustainable! I'm getting some good exercise! Finally breaking through that 204/203 and moving into the 202s! YAY!

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