Wednesday, August 6, 2014

HIIT Rebounder Workout

Visit to Museum of Glass 8/2014

I'm SO excited! I do actually need to DO this workout, but after I blog first!

I can't help but laugh and giggle when I do HIIT on the rebounder! It just makes me laugh because it's so...BOUNCY!

I have a few resources to get online HIIT timer to use with the rebounder and there's a few YouTube videos to explore and my favorite Fitness Blender has a couple HIIT workouts that I might be able to do. The whole idea is to 1)start somewhere and 2)build on that foundation and 3)challenge myself to do more and more and more, little by little and day by day.

I wanted to have a photo of me bouncing, but that's just too difficult for today! We went to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma the other day and we LOVED this interactive room.

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