Friday, July 4, 2014

Mid-Year Evaluation

Wow, I'm losing weight. I really am EATING LESS, it is fantastic! But as I've been focusing on one thing, another thing often suffers, so I want to check in with my areas of growth and look back and see how I'm doing with the principles the Lord has given me. I want to write a Kindle book (eventually) about my process and weight loss. Thinking about that possibility.

-Morning Walk:
When I wake up, if it is wet outside, I do the treadmill, if it is dry, I walk loops around the pool. But I'm starting to feel like I need to walk MORE and I'm thinking about driving to a nearby neighborhood again.  Thinking about doing my regular thing, but adding a drive to a neighborhood for the weekend when I don't have to get up early. I'm not walking enough and I need to get better in this area.
-Eat More Fiber:
I haven't eaten the high fiber cereal in a while and I don't miss it at all. I'm usually short on fiber, but some days are over. I feel like for right now, this area is okay.
-Drink More Water:
I consistently drink a minimum of 10 glasses (80oz) per day and often more. I feel like I have complete mastery in this area with the system I'm using-yahoo!
-Stop Eating Refined Sugar:
I do all I can to avoid refined sugar. I am so grateful for Theo 85% dark chocolate bars! They have protein and fiber and low sugar! I eat them everyday! I don't crave sugar like I used to and I pretty much save my sugar for special occasions. I can always improve on this area by not eating any sugar at special occasions, but for the daily grind, I eat and prefer Theo 85% and don't bother with other stuff.  Actually, the other day I REALLY wanted some sweet milk chocolate, so I ate some Theo 45%, and it hit the spot. Very unusual. Amazing that I can do that and not get tangled in cravings, thank you Lord!
-Count Calories: Wow, I just had no idea what a great tool My Fitness Pal would turn out to be. I need the constraints of the numbers and it is working! Since I eat a lot of the same foods day after day, it is SUPER simple!
-Get up Earlier/To Bed: This month I'm going to work on being in bed at 10:30pm and getting up at 6:30am, I would love to stick to this!
-Get Strong:
-Eat One Salad a Day: Wow, I've come a long way in this area. I eat my salad EVERY SINGLE DAY now, because I eat it for breakfast and love it! I feel like I have total mastery in this area, for now.
-Eat Half of Dinner:
I've been learning to eat smaller portions, but for awhile, I've been having a 2nd salad for dinner and loving it!
-Release from Walk if Dance: I really should consider dancing again, I like that!

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